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Projects in the community

PCP delivers a number of projects and activities supporting disadvantaged people to improve their health and well-being across County Durham, Tees Valley and Sunderland in the following areas:

Mental Wellbeing:

Colour your Life

A ‘social prescribing’ programme, which linkspeople with non-medical sources of support from within the community.  It provides access to activities for the improvement of mental health and the development of emotional resilience. The service is open to referrals from GP's, mental health services, third sector/community organisations and agencies, informally by family members or friends, and by self-referral. Please get in touch with any of the hubs to find out more.

Sedgefield Primary Care Counselling Service

Sedgefield Primary Care Counselling Service (SPCCS) has been managed by the Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP) since 2006 and delivers counselling within GP Practices, and community settings across the Sedgefield area.

Lifestyle and Health:

Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Health Trainer Project

PCP Health Trainers support the GRT community across County Durham to lead healthier lifestyles. The project is funded by Durham County Council’s Public Health department.
Working in close partnership with GRT Specialist Health Nurse, Health Trainers can provide 1:1 or group support for those wanting to make a lifestyle or behaviour change, such as improving diet, weight loss, increasing physical activity or stopping smoking.

Reaching Out Across Durham (ROAD)

'ROAD aims to provide support to those aged 25 and above, from the most disadvantaged groups in Durham, who are furthers from the labour market and who experience significant barriers to work.

Step Forward Tees Valley

This programme will aim to develop knowledge and awareness toward a range of strategies that promote wellbeing.  Through encouraging clients to adopt healthier lifestyles developing, life skills that inform positive steps to change building confidence and self-esteem, clients will be better equipped to ‘move on’ in their lives. The Step Forward Tees Valley Partnership is a Building Better Opportunities Programme funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund until July 2019.

Stockton Service Navigation Project

The service is available to any resident of Stockton-on-Tees over the age of 16.  The service offers client’s up to four appointments providing one to one support which enables them to access a range of activities and support that will help them to improve their health and wellbeing and develop emotional resilience.

SSNP for Asylum Seeker and Refugees

To improve access to health and social care services for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, to tackle wider determinants of health issues within this population and reduce social isolation.

Wellbeing for Life (Health Trainer Service)

The Wellbeing for Life service provides support to people to live well in County Durham, by helping to address the factors which influence their health and build their capacity to be independent, resilient and maintain good health for themselves and those around them. The wellbeing approach goes beyond looking at single-issue and instead aims to take a whole-person and community approach to improving health. Wellbeing for Life Health Trainers work with individuals on a 1-1 basis to recognise the issues that are affecting their wellbeing and help them make positive changes.

Employability and Learning

Better Health at Work

The North East Better Health at Work Award recognises the efforts of local businesses in addressing health issues within the workplace.  The award scheme is available to all businesses in the North East, regardless of size, location or type of business.

Growing Our Community

This project is funded through Great Aycliffe and Middridge Area Action Partnership (GAMP) and provides Horticultural Therapy activities within the Pioneering Care Centre's Community Garden.

There’s a horticultural expert on hand who builds activities for each gardener to improve their health needs and to work on goals they want to achieve. All equipment is provided and the gardeners get to take home what they grow.

Anyone is welcome to take a look around the garden and join in with the group on:
Mondays 10am-12noon
Wednesdays 10am-12noon
Fridays 1pm-3pm

Empowerment and Voice:


Healthwatch works with local people, patients, service users, carers, community groups, organisations, service providers and commissioners to get the best out of local health and social care services. 

Stockton Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICA)

If you live in the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees and feel you have not had the service you expected from the National Health Service (NHS) and want to complain Stockton ICA can help you.

Independence and Choice:


Promote independence, choice, control and social inclusion to local disabled adults.
Activities include daily living skills, adult education sessions, confidence and self esteem building, healthy living workshops and community activities.

Options Social Club

The Options Evening Social offers a safe and friendly environment for local disabled adults to socialise, make new friends and try new activities outside of normal day service hours. The Social Club also gives carers a short break from their caring responsibilities.

For more information please contact 01325 321234 or email