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This website is designed to be accessible to people with a disability.

The site has been tested with screen reading and magnification software and can be used with Mouse Keys. It has also been tested on the following web browsers; Internet Explorer 6,7 & 8, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari for Windows.

It is strongly recommended that Internet Explorer 6 & 7 users upgrade to the current version, Internet Explorer 8 to take advantage of greater security. Download Internet Explorer 8

A Skip Navigation Link has been provided. This will take screen reader users to the beginning of the page content without having to read through the navigation list. Headers are used throughout the website to aid page navigation.

Tables are used in the website, but not for layout purposes, and the website will render in a readable fashion without the style sheet if so required.

Tabindex has been used to ensure a logical movement through navigation. In addition Accesskeys have been set for shortcuts. The keys are:-

  1. Home
  2. Contact Us
  3. Register Interest
  4. Search
  5. Site Map & Accessibility

To magnify the pages without specialist software, use the instructions for your browser below.

Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Firefox, Google Chrome & Safari
Press and hold a Ctrl key and tap the + key to magnify or the - key to reduce. To return to normal size, use a Ctrl key and 0.

You can set the default zoom levels by opening Tools > Preferences > Web pages.

Please note that if you use these methods, you will need to use the Arrow Keys or the Horizontal Scroll bar at the bottom of the browser window to scroll sideways.

If you experience any difficulty in accessing this site, please e-mail with full details of your difficulties.